
Meet The Chef Featured

R.J. Asher - The Chef R.J. Asher - The Chef

Owner and Chef, R.J. Asher, has always been surrounded by a great food culture while growing up in Illinois, U.S.A. Never once did he come home from school without a piece of mouth-watering pie or the moistest piece of banana loaf waiting for him on the kitchen table as a snack. Imagine the home-cooked hearty dishes that were stewing away for dinner!

Interestingly, R.J.'s initial career was not influenced by the culinary upbringing that he had. He worked in several US major corporations until 2007, when he and his family were posted by his firm to Hong Kong to be the Head of Human Resources of Asia Pacific. Yet, he felt, and knew, that something was missing.

In 2010, R.J. came to a crossroad in his life. It was then that he realized that his true passion is in baking. The combination of the science behind it and the art of blending flavors is what gets him going everyday. This is where his heart lies. So he began Tai Tai Pie Pies and has not looked back since (good thing for us in Hong Kong)!

It is true when they say that homemade food taste that much better. With Chef R.J.'s upmost precision and love in every pie, all products that are baked fresh from his professional kitchen in Fo Tan taste wholesome and homemade. So give it a go; R.J. invites you to share his happiness every time you have a bite of his pie.

So enjoy and Remember...Always Leave Room For Dessert!Leave Room for Dessert



Last modified onSunday, 13 December 2020 19:36

Pie Factory

Units 11-12, Block B, 13/F, Veristrong Industrial Ctr

34-36 Au Pui Wan Street

Fo Tan, NT Hong Kong

+852 6733 9221 (WhatsApp Only)

Food Factory Licence No. 2997803022


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